Journal #17

As being said before that I would be completing my design cycle for the year book pages but I am not able to complete it because the class is short as it is only a 45 minute class since it is before the holiday break therefore I try to complete the design cycle in the holiday and hand it in before in the first week when the school starts.



Journal #16

Today, I am not only able to complete the layout for the TECH FEST, I am also able to have the person in charge of the events signed to approve of the quality for the year book. I believe today was an extremely productive day.


Next class, I would be completing my design cycle for the year book pages.

Balloon Rocket Experiment.

Background information

Work: The application of  a force over distance.

Energy: The ability to do work.

Power: The rate of work or using energy.

All of the above: Dave Thompson (2001)

Free body diagram of the balloon rocket:









The 3rd newton law of motion where for every action, there will be an equal amount of reaction. When the balloon releases its air from the back, the air particles inside are being rushed out of the balloon rocket as the balloon is trying to compress. As the rushed air particles goes outside, it causes an impact with other air particles. This is why there is a thrust force going forward.

Reaction Force Pair:




As we release the balloon, the energy will transform into sound and heat energy and it will be release from the end of the balloon causing it too fly forward.

Energy transformation:


-The balloon is inflated – it causes elastic potential energy as it being stretched out from flat (Taylor, n.d.).

-Let go of the balloon, the elastic potential energy transforms into kinetic energy


– Friction between the string and straw and the straw and the balloon (Taylor, n.d.).

-Thermal energy, which originated from the kinetic energy and friction from straw and string.

-Kinetic to sound as the balloon made a lot of noise as it travelled (Taylor, n.d.).

This is the URL of the video for my method of the balloon rocket experiment:

Data processing

This table shows the relationship between the time and distance of each trial of the balloon rocket.

Mean distance: 10.42 m

Mean time: 2.52 seconds

Mean work: 521 joules

Mean power: 206 watts


Qualitative observations:

In the experiments/trials, I see that at first, when the balloon is being released, it accelerated a lot but until at a certain distance, it started to be at a stable rate. After a few seconds, the balloon has flew to an end due to insufficient of energy and friction of the string with the straw.

Validity and reliability of data:

Our data might not be very reliable because at times, the string might be a little lose so does the tension therefore the balloon rocket while flying could drop in the middle causing the time for it to stop to increase or even decrease. Another reason could be measuring the distance after the balloon stop as we could miscalculate the distance therefore the results could be a bit inaccurate.Although there are some inaccurate in the reliability, it is definitely valid as we did lots of trial to increase the accuracy and the method is similar to the other experiment than the other groups did.


Efficiency: the amount of energy being used is useful. (How effectively devices transfer energy.)(Taylor, n.d.).

Points in the balloon rocket run where energy is lost:

– Sound energy

– Heat energy

– Friction from rope and straw

– Air resistance

Points where energy is lost. Why it might affect the efficiency How to improve the efficiency.
Sound energy Sound energy is being transformed from the inside elastic potential energy to the outside where it goes through the hole. This causes some energy lose as it needs energy in order to produce sound. Put a tube into the opening of the balloon since sound is being produced through contacting the opening therefore if we have a tube than we are able to prevent the impact thus the sound energy would also be reduced therefore the efficiency could be improved.
Heat energy The heat energy is with the sound energy where it is being transformed from the elastic potential energy inside the balloon rocket. With the sound energy, it could affect the efficiency as there are more energy not being used with the sound. Since heat energy is being transformed similar to sound energy, we would also put the tube into the opening of the balloon to create less friction of the air and the opening.
Friction from rope With the friction from rope, it could affect the speed of the balloon thus affect the efficiency. Obtain lower friction string to create less friction for the balloon while it’s gliding. For example: String, which has dipped into water and left in the freezer. The ice could reduce the friction of the string.
Friction from straw  The straw is also has friction with the rope while it is flying thus causes the speed of the balloon rocket to reduce which also affects the efficiency. We could use the same method with the string where we dip the straw into water, leave it overnight in the freezer so the straw would have less friction on the rope.
Air resistance With the air resistance- the work force might be reduced as the air resistance is opposing it. We could not remove the air therefore the only way is to obtain a long balloon instead of a big balloon for the experiment.


Taylor.S. (n.d) Energy, Work or Power. Retrieved December 15, 2011. From

Dave Thompson. (22/4/01) Work, Energy and Power. Retrieved in December 2, 2011. From:




Level descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.


  • The student recalls some scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes.
  • The student applies scientific understanding to solve simple problems.


  • The student describes scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes.
  • The student applies scientific understanding to solve complex problems in familiar situations.
  • The student analyses scientific information by identifying parts, relationships or causes.


  • The student uses scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes correctly to construct scientific explanations.
  • The student applies scientific understanding to solve complex problems including those in unfamiliar situations.
  • The student analyses and evaluates scientific information and makes judgments supported by scientific understanding.



Level descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.


The student uses a limited range of scientific language correctly.
The student communicates scientific information with limited effectiveness.
When appropriate to the task, the student makes little attempt to document sources of information.


The student uses some scientific language correctly.
The student communicates scientific information with some effectiveness.
When appropriate to the task, the student partially documents sources of information.


The student uses sufficient scientific language correctly.
The student communicates scientific information effectively.
When appropriate to the task, the student fully documents sources of information correctly.



Level descriptor


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.


The student requires some guidance to work safely and some assistance when using material and equipment.
The student requires some guidance to work responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment.
When working as part of a group, the student needs frequent reminders to cooperate with others.


The student requires little guidance to work safely and little assistance when using material and equipment.
The student works responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment.
When working as part of a group the student cooperates with others on most occasions.


The student requires no guidance to work safely and uses material and equipment competently.
The student works responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment.
When working as part of a group, the student cooperates with others.

Journal #15

Today, I finished my layout of the speech and debate club although it took most of the lesson editing it with Mrs. Spadafora but I am able to have a start on the TECH FEST photos since I found some photos from Ms. Welbes.


Next lesson I would try to complete the layout of the tech fest.

Journal # 14

Today, I am not able to complete the layout of the speech and debate club as figuring out where each photo should be and the sizes of it is much more complicated therefore I am only able to complete the layout of the photos and not the write up.


Next class, i would complete the layout of the page the write up.

Journal #13

Today, I have finally took some photos from the Speech and Debate club therefore I did some work on the layout of the yearbook page. It took some time to put the photos on the layout as I do not know the process furthermore, it is difficult to layout the photos of the speech and debate club.


Next class I would complete the layout page for the speech and debate club.



Gapminder reflection

Gapminder has absolutely made my eyes open to the world. Before I have always thought that the world has been always the same. The high income country has always been high income and the low has always been low but after using Gapminder to data mining, I found out that each of the country are always progressing. Some countries develop rapidly while the others gradually grow or even fall. Using Gapminder, I am able to increase my knowledge on other countries and know more of them, what they have gone through since the 1800’s and how they are progressing.


The skills for Data mining could be helpful in the future when I want to discover how countries develop over time and how each of the countries slowly escaping from poverty and have the world to be in a better place. Possibly next time, i am able to manipulate them too to prove my point when my friends are arguing which country is the poorest or richest.




Why when countries has good intentions to help the others, they tend to make it worse?

Will all the countries at a period will have the same GDP per capita and life expectancy?

In the future, will low income country exceed the high income country at a rapid rate similar to Japan and South Korea?



Journal #12

Today, I am not able to complete the Tech Fest layout as there are no photos for it therefore i did the layout for Welcome Backk BBQ. luckily there are sufficient photos for the page and I am able to complete the layout on the same day.


For the next class I would try to find photos for Tech Fest and take some photos for my project that I had first.

Journal #11

For homework, I am able to complete the investigation and plan of the yearbook page that i wanted to do but when  I could not find any photos for the topic i chose therefore Mr. Mosser told me to do Tech Fest and the Welcome Back BBQ, and leave the investigation and plan alone.


For the next lesson, I would start on my page layout for the Tech Fest and possibly complete it in order to finish the other half of the layout.

Journal # 10

Today, I have completed my create and my evaluation on the same day. I completed my create in 15 minutes and completed the evaluation before the class ends. I believe that I was productive today.

The next lesson, I would complete my layout for the yearbook as I would complete the investigation and the plan for the yearbook at home.